Department of Psychology,FGU

View count: 416


Education & Career Development:
Master’s Degree in Psychology, Fo Guang University
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University
Adjunct Lecturer, Fo Guang University Psychology Department
Adjunct Lecturer, Ming Chuan University Department of Counseling, Clinical, and Industrial Psychology
Full-time Research Assistant, National Science Council

Current Position / Current Studies:
Full-time Assistant, Social-Emotional Education and Development Research Center, National Taiwan Normal University

What did the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University offer you?
It provided me with the ability to turn my dreams into reality. Through solid training and abundant resources offered by the faculty, I transitioned from a student merely interested in psychology research to a researcher capable of planning, executing, and completing research projects.

Impressions of the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University
What impressed me most about the Fo Guang University Psychology Department was the close interaction and relationship between students and faculty. Professors and students are more like partners on the learning journey, and there is no sense of distance between them. Both professors and department staff are always eager to offer assistance and support, and students never feel they are left to handle difficulties alone. There is always someone to walk alongside you, providing warmth and encouragement.

A Message for High School Students
Students often face a lot of pressure and emotional struggles during their learning journey because they are constantly expected to be excellent. I hope you can embrace the other three Es:

Empowerment – Keep faith in yourself and never doubt your abilities.
Engagement – It’s more important to maintain a passion for learning than just mastering existing knowledge. Stay enthusiastic and eager to keep learning.
Enjoyment – Find activities that bring you joy in life and keep a happy heart. :)