Department of Psychology,FGU

View count: 321


Educational Background and Career Development:
Bachelor’s Program in Psychology, Fo Guang University/
Master’s Program in Psychology (General Psychology Group), Fo Guang University
Current Position:
Insurance and Financial Planner, Allianz Life Insurance

What did the Department of Psychology at Fo Guang University offer you?
The foundational learning at Fo Guang University is very solid, and the professors are very dedicated in their teaching. For example, in statistics, because the professors taught with great attention, I now find it easier to analyze statistical data and not be misled by numbers.

Impressions of the Department of Psychology at Fo Guang University?
What left the deepest impression on me was the interaction between professors and students. Compared to other universities, the relationship between professors and students at Fo Guang University’s psychology department is more open and less distant.

A Message for Junior Students and High School Students:
Don’t be afraid of reading original books. I often tell others that my own English was not great, but I found that as I began to really engage with reading English texts, over time, I got used to it. Although your vocabulary may not explode in size or your grammar may not improve drastically, you will become accustomed to reading in English, which will greatly help you when gathering information in the future.