Department of Psychology,FGU

View count: 399


Education & Career Development:
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Asia University
Master’s Degree in Psychology (Clinical Psychology Track), Fo Guang University
Internship at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Yuli Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Internship at Mennonite Christian Hospital, Taiwan 

Contracted Clinical Psychologist, Yuli Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Clinical Psychologist, Yuli Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare 
Current Position:
Clinical Psychologist, Yuli Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

What did the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University offer you?
I joined Fo Guang University as a master’s student. When choosing a clinical psychology program, I mainly considered the resources available for the clinical track and how well the faculty aligned with my interests.

During my studies, I found that the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University provided excellent learning resources, including a well-equipped collection of psychological assessments and dedicated spaces for clinical psychology students to use. The core courses, such as psychological assessment, psychotherapy, and psychopathology, were well-structured and rigorous. By the time I started my internship, I had already built a strong foundation in clinical psychology and gained hands-on experience with standardized psychological assessments, which made my internship much smoother.

Now, as a clinical psychologist, I believe the most valuable lessons I gained from Fo Guang University were independence, critical thinking, and the ability to apply knowledge to real-world practice. Under the guidance of dedicated professors, I also developed a solid professional mindset, both in clinical perspectives and in personal values.

Impressions of the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University
I still remember my first few days at the university—I was amazed by the department’s private library and the dedicated spaces for clinical psychology students. While many universities focus heavily on marketing, Fo Guang University invests its resources directly into students.

The department is well-equipped with psychological assessment tools, biofeedback devices, EEG machines, eye-tracking instruments, and a fully functional psychophysiology lab. Throughout my studies, I never felt limited by a lack of resources. Additionally, the department has a welcoming atmosphere, with strong connections between professors and a supportive, close-knit learning environment. If I had to describe it in a few words, I’d say: small but warm.

A Message for High School Students
Hello, I’m Yunteng, currently working as a clinical psychologist. During your university years, I highly recommend exploring a variety of experiences—whether it's different academic fields, clubs, or even activities with friends. Try new things, broaden your horizons, and when you reach your third or fourth year and have a clearer sense of direction, focus your energy on that path. The experiences you accumulate now will become valuable assets in the future. The road ahead may be long and challenging, so remember to take good care of yourself.