Department of Psychology,FGU

View count: 411


Education & Career Development:
Master’s in General Psychology, Fo Guang University

Current Position / Current Studies:
Full-time Counseling Teacher, Si Ji Elementary School, Yilan County
Seed Teacher, Domestic Violence Witnessed Children and Youth Guidance and Support Resource Center, Yilan County

What did the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University offer you?
It gave me the freedom to think independently and problem-solving skills. The teachers continually guided me to think critically and express my ideas. Whenever I had doubts, they provided professional knowledge right away. It was their expertise and support that gave me the courage to move forward.

Impressions of the Psychology Department at Fo Guang University
The department focuses on students, providing a friendly environment of communication and cooperation. The professors and teaching assistants are dedicated to helping each student. Due to the smaller class sizes, professors and students are very familiar with each other, creating a family-like atmosphere with a warm feeling.

A Message for High School Students
Although the future may seem uncertain, every stage in life has its unique meaning. Make the most of the time when you can still learn; make the most of the time when you can still make mistakes; and make the most of the time when you have attentive teachers to guide you. Strive to become a better version of yourself.