Department of Psychology,FGU

View count: 452


Educational Background and Career Development:
Master's Program in Psychology (Clinical Psychology Group), Fo Guang University/
Clinical Psychologist, Rehabilitation Technology Department, Luodong Boai Hospital, The Roth Foundation/
Instructor, Lihuo Course Design Center/
Group/Individual Instructor for Mandatory Parenting Education/
Instructor at Hospitals, Schools, Parenting Centers, Infant Daycare Centers, and Communities

Current Position:
Clinical Psychologist, Five Loaves Two Fish Psychosomatic Clinic

What did the Department of Psychology at Fo Guang University offer you?
It provided the possibility and courage to pursue my dreams. As an outsider from another school, I was able to sit in on master's courses in my senior year. I then went from being a beginner to passing the general master's program entrance exam and eventually entering the clinical psychology track, becoming a qualified clinical psychologist.

Impressions of the Department of Psychology at Fo Guang University?
The professors are very dedicated to their teaching, providing students with diverse professional courses, lectures, and workshops. This gave me ample training during my development process.

A Message for High School Students:
Looking back, entering the psychology department at Fo Guang University and becoming a psychologist is still the craziest decision of my life. But sometimes, the smartest things are the ones you have to pursue in a crazy way, which makes them fascinating! Perhaps, you too can be crazy for your life once.