Department of Psychology,FGU


Announcement112-1 Opening Meeting - United as One

  • 2023-09-21
  • 曾珮津

The Opening Meeting is Here! 🤩
A new semester, a fresh start, and new faces...?
This meeting is not only for juniors and seniors to select their academic advisors, but also includes an introduction to exchange students, promoting international exchange 💓💓💓
Additionally, do you miss a good book but don’t know how to find it?
We’ll be inviting the Book Award winners to share their reading experiences with everyone. Don’t miss out!
Come and join us for the opening meeting on the 27th, see you there! 


🔹 Event Time: September 27th (Wednesday), 13:00
🔹 Event Location: Yunhui Building U102
🔹 Event Agenda:

  • Faculty and Student Discussion
  • Bylaws Revisions and Resolutions
  • Selection of Academic Advisors
  • Award Ceremony & Sharing
  • Introduction to Department Activities and Explanation of Department Fees

🔸 Light snacks will be provided on-site!
We warmly welcome everyone to participate enthusiastically!