Event: The Psychoanalytic Tradition of a Socialist Country: Clinical Practice Filled with Social Concern
Date: February 8, 2025 (Saturday), 09:00 – 15:00
Location: Tamkang University, Taipei Campus
Instructor: Dr. Fan Xuemei
Eligibility: Open to psychology-related professionals and students of relevant fields.
Minimum Registration: The course will be canceled if fewer than 25 participants register by January 25, 2025.
Continuing Education Credits: Applications are being made for credits for psychiatrists, counselors, clinical psychologists, etc.
Course Overview:
Session 1 (9:00-10:30)
The speaker will share personal experiences to introduce attendees to several key psychoanalytic and psychoanalysis-oriented psychotherapy institutions in London, such as Hampstead Nursery, Anna Freud Clinic, Tavistock Clinic, Portman Clinic, Brent Centre, Open Door, and the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis. These centers are highly respected by both the government and society. Despite facing political and economic challenges in recent years, these low-cost or free psychoanalytic/psychotherapy centers continue to operate with the dedication of therapists and analysts, who strive to maintain sufficient funding and continue their care for disadvantaged social groups.
Session 2 (10:50-12:20)
The development of British psychoanalysis in its historical context will be explored, covering its origins and development from Vienna, Budapest, and Berlin to London. This will include a discussion on how different schools of thought emerged (Freud, Jung, Adler) and how the British Psychoanalytical Society developed its three main traditions. The session will highlight the path of analysts involved in the development of British psychoanalysis.
Session 3 (13:20-15:00)
This session will engage participants in critical thinking and discussion, aimed at expanding their understanding on the following topics:
- Practicing psychoanalysis with humanitarian spirit.
- The impact of theoretical differences and debates, and how they lead to the generation of new ideas that enrich the content of psychoanalysis.
- How differing theories create divisions, where people, in their nature, form factions for survival and development.
- Despite these debates and disagreements, how analysts continue to collaborate on humanitarian concerns, serving people from various social strata.
For more details, please refer to the registration link: https://www.beclass.com/rid=294db32674d32e592704
Taiwan Association of Psychotherapy Secretariat
|Tel: 0915439147|
|Email: tap79637@gmail.com|
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