Department of Psychology,FGU

龔怡文 Yi-Wen Kung
Name 龔怡文 Yi-Wen Kung
Office Tel No. 27125
Office_Hour 週二13:10-15:00;週三13:10-15:00
Research Expertise 臨床心理學、心理衡鑑、心理治療、災難與創傷心理學 (Disaster and Trauma Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Treatment, Health Psychology)
Job Title Associate Professor
Current Course SC62900 高等心理衡鑑(二)(Advanced Psychological Assessment(II))
SC60400 臨床心理實習(二)(Internship in Clinical Psychology (II))
SC60200 臨床心理見習(二)(Practicum in Clinical Psychology(II))
Year Paper Title
2023 黃玉蓮, 龔怡文, 中文版解離症狀量表在臺灣年輕成人之心理計量特性, 測驗學刊, Dec. 2023
2021 Kung, Y.W., Su, Y. J., Chen, S. H, Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Centrality of Event Scale across Multiple Trauma Taiwan Samples, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Dec. 2021
2021 龔怡文, 走入人群的研究生:臨床心理學組研究生從心理衛生推廣活動中學習與成長, 跨域自學力學報, 1, Oct. 2021
2021 Yu-Lien Huang, 李宗衛, 龔怡文, 蘇逸人, The facilitating role of dispositional mindfulness in the process of posttraumatic growth: A prospective investigation, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA-THEORY RESEARCH PRACTICE AND POLICY, Aug. 2021
2021 龔怡文, 陳淑惠, Experiential Avoidance Moderates the Relationship between Positive Schema and Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Individuals with Interpersonal Traumas, Chinese Journal of Psychology中華心理學刊, Jul. 2021
2020 龔怡文, F.-C. Hung, S.-H. Chen, Dimensionality of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms: Validation of the Chinese version of the posttraumatic diagnostic scale for DSM-5 across multiple trauma samples, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 74, Aug. 2020
2017 Y. L. Huang, S. H.Chen, Y. J. Su, 龔怡文, Attachment dimensions and posttraumatic symptoms following interpersonal traumas versus impersonal traumas in young adults in Taiwan, Stress and Health, 33, Aug. 2017
2012 Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, Perception of earthquake risk in Taiwan: Effects of gender and past earthquake experience, Risk Analysis, vol. 9, 32, Feb. 2012
Year Paper Title
2024 龔怡文, 黃玉蓮, Social support and alcohol use severity mediate the association between difficulties in emotion regulation and posttraumatic stress symptoms, the 2024 Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, May. 23-26, 2024
2024 黃玉蓮, 廖炳耀, 龔怡文, The affect mentalization deficit mediates the association between problematic alcohol use and post-traumatic symptoms, 2024台灣臨床心理學會學術研討會, Apr. 27-28, 2024
2024 黃聖哲, 廖婉婷, 龔怡文, 當代班達完形測驗與人格特質傾向之相關, 2024台灣臨床心理學會學術研討會, Apr. 27-28, 2024
2024 龔怡文, 黃玉蓮, Perceived Devaluation-Discrimination of Alcohol Moderates the Mediating Effect of Emotion Regulation Difficulties Between Alcohol Use Severity and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, 2024台灣臨床心理學會學術研討會, Apr. 27-28, 2024
2023 張佳文, 龔怡文, 黃玉蓮, 李宗衛, 遭遇創傷事件者的特質寬恕與事件反芻思考:性別的調節效果, 2023 台灣臨床心理學會會員大會暨學術研討會, Apr. 22-23, 2023
2023 余翊祺, 龔怡文, 黃玉蓮, 李宗衛, 遭遇創傷事件者之事件反芻與解離症狀─以負向童年經驗為調節變項, 2023台灣臨床心理學會會員大會暨學術研討會, Apr. 22-23, 2023
2022 龔怡文, 正負價性之事件中心性與創傷記憶特性對創傷後成長的影響, 2022年第61屆台灣心理學會年會, Oct. 15-16, 2022
2021 龔怡文, 正負價性之創傷事件中心性、創傷記憶特性、及創傷後壓力症狀的關聯性, 2021年第60屆台灣心理學年會, Oct. 16-17, 2021
2021 Yi-Wen Kung, Sue-Huei Chen, Traumatic Event Centrality vs. Traumatic Memories in Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, the 32ed International Congress of Psychology, Jul. 18-23, 2021
2021 龔怡文, Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of Centrality of Event Scale in a Three-wave Follow-up Study in Taiwan, the 32ed International Congress of Psychology, Jul. 18-23, 2021
2021 龔怡文, 正負事件之事件中心性對創傷後調適的影響, 台灣臨床心理學會2021會員大會暨學術研討會, Apr. 10-11, 2021
2021 龔怡文, 比較正向事件與創傷事件之事件中心性與自傳式記憶特性, 台灣臨床心理學會2021會員大會暨學術研討會, Apr. 10-11, 2021
2019 陳毓臻, 龔怡文, 核心假定對特質寬恕與創傷後壓力症狀之調節效果:以 921 震災居民為例, 2019第58屆台灣心理學年會:心脈動, Nov. 02-03, 2019, 台灣
2019 黃玉蓮, 龔怡文, 中文版解離症狀量表之心理計量檢驗, 2019第58屆台灣心理學年會:心脈動, Nov. 02-03, 2019, 台灣
2019 黃玉蓮, 游勝翔, 龔怡文, 林烘煜, 宜蘭居民幸福嗎?宜蘭地區居民之心理健康特性與自殺風險因子初探, 2019第58屆台灣心理學年會:心脈動, Nov. 02-03, 2019, 台灣
2019 龔怡文, 游勝翔, 黃玉蓮, 林烘煜, 宜蘭地區居民之身心症狀預測迴歸模型, 2019第58屆台灣心理學年會:心脈動, Nov. 02-03, 2019, 台灣
2019 龔怡文, 游勝翔, 黃玉蓮, 林烘煜, 宜蘭地區居民之自殺意念預測迴歸模型, 2019第58屆台灣心理學年會:心脈動, Nov. 02-03, 2019, 台灣
2019 黃玉蓮, 龔怡文, 陳淑惠, Insecure attachment mediated the relationship between childhood maltreatment and posttraumatic stress symptoms among traumatized survivors in Taiwan, the 16th European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Jun. 14-16, 2019, 台灣
2019 龔怡文, 事件中心性與創傷後調適結果:以大學生為例, 「災難與創傷之本地研究與實踐經驗」小型研討會, Apr. 13-14, 2019, 台灣
2018 Chen, Y. Z., Kung, Y. W., The difference of dispositional forgiveness among individuals with different traumatic events, the 34rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 08-10, 2018, 美國
2018 蘇逸人, 龔怡文, 洪福建, 陳淑惠, 中文版DSM-5創傷後壓力診斷量表:心理計量特性與因素結構, 2018年台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會, Apr. 21-22, 2018, 臺灣
2018 Yi-Jen Su, Yi-Wen Kung, Sue-Huei Chen, Chinese Version of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale for DSM-5: Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties, 2018年台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會, Apr. 21-22, 2018, 台灣
2018 陳毓臻, 龔怡文, 心田寬恕量表中文版信效度檢核, 2018年台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會, Apr. 21-22, 2018, 台灣
2018 余竑毅, 龔怡文, 網路霸凌受害與加害量表之中文版編修, 2018年台灣臨床心理學年會暨學術研討會, Apr. 21-22, 2018, 台灣
2017 Huang, Y. L., Kung, Y. W., Su, Y. J., Pan, Y. C., & Chen, S. H., Attachment and attentional biases following interpersonal trauma versus impersonal trauma in Taiwan, the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 09-11, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA
2017 Yi-Wen Kung, Sue-Huei Chen, Cognitive Mechanisms Moderate the Effect of Positive Schema on Autobiographical Memory Specificity in Non-depressed Interpersonal Trauma Survivors, 臺灣心理學會第56屆年會暨國際研討會, Oct. 14-15, 2017, 臺灣
2016 Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, Measuring Experiential Avoidance: A Psychometric Study ofthe Chinese Version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Taiwan, 31st International Congress of Psychology, Jul. 24-29, 2016, 國際研討會
2015 Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, Experiential avoidance moderates the effect of positive schema on autobiographical memory specificity in individuals with interpersonal trauma in Taiwan, The 31th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 05-07, 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana
2013 S. H. Chen, P. J. Chen, W. L. Chen, C. H. Lu Y. W. Kung, Pre-MVA and concureent resilience moderate PTSD symptoms from three to six months post MVA, the 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 06-09, 2013, Philadelphia, PA USA
2013 Y. L. Huang, Y. J. Su, Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, The Effect of Interpersonal Traumatic Experiences on the Relationship between Insecure Attachment and Psychological Symptoms., the 6th International Attachment Conference, Aug. 30-Sep. 01, 2013, Pavia, Italy.
2012 S. H. Chen, P. J. Chen, Y. W. Kung, T. H. Lin., M. H. Hsieh, Peritraumatic dissociation moderating the prediction from heart rate to posttraumatic symptoms in MVA survivors in Taiwan, the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 01-03, 2012, Los Angeles, CA USA
2011 Y. W. Kung, C. C. Chow, S. H. Chen, T. H. Lin, M. H. Hsieh, T. C. Tai, Posttraumatic affective symptoms and injury severity in survivors of motor vehicle accident., the 50th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Oct. 15-16, 2011, Taiwan
2011 Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, Self-discrepancy, specificity of self-defining memory and psychological distress in college students with traumatic experiences in Taiwan, the 5th International Conference on Memory, Jul. 31-Aug. 05, 2011, York, England, UK
2010 C. H. Lu, Y. W. Kung, Y. J. Su, S. H. Chen, Psychometric Properties of the Chinese version of Acute Stress Disorder Scale, the 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Aug. 27-31, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 S. H. Chen, Y. W. Kung, Y. J. Su, Implementation of a School-Based Preventive Psychological First Aid for Adolescents in Taiwan, the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 05-07, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia USA
2009 Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, W. W. Chen, Gender Differences in Risk Perception and Cognitive Appraisals of Natural Disasters in Taiwan, the 25th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Nov. 05-07, 2009, Atlanta, Georgia USA
2009 Y. J. Su, T. Y. Liu, Y. W. Kung, S. H. Chen, Dose the Pattern of Posttraumatic Stress Reactions Vary by Trauma Type? An Investigation of Adolescents’ Psychological Reactions to Death of a Peer, the 11th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Jun. 15-18, 2009, Oslo, Norway
Year Book Title
2022 陳淑惠, 龔怡文, 巨震創生:九二一震災的風險分析與制度韌性, 國立臺灣大學出版中心, 978-986-3506331, Sep. 2022
2010 謝碧玲, 鄭皓仁, 劉銘雄, 劉瑞華、李泳萱、彭奇章, 透視認知行為治療的僵局─化挑戰為契機, 心理出版社股份有限公司, Mar. 2010
2008 李立維, 梁端芸, 黃玉蓮, 黃柏蒼、游勝翔、劉于涵、潘元健、韓德彥、蘇逸人, 心理疾患衡鑑與治療計畫手冊, 心理出版社股份有限公司, Dec. 2008
1900 龔怡文, 潘元健, 劉于涵, 心理急救第二版中文手冊, Jan. 1900
1900 周嘉娸, 蘇逸人, 潘元健, 陳淑惠, 心理急救第二版中文文字修訂版, 國立台灣大學心理學系, Jan. 1900
Country School Name Department Degree
國立臺灣大學 心理系 博士 博士
國立臺灣大學 心理系 碩士 碩士
國立臺灣大學 心理學系 學士 學士
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 心理學系 副教授 2022.08 ~ 2025.07
專任 心理學系 助理教授 2020.08 ~ 2022.07
專任 學生事務處 組長 2016.02 ~ 2018.07
專任 心理學系 助理教授 2015.02 ~ 2020.07
國立臺灣大學學生輔導中心 輔導老師 2012.05 ~ 2015.01
昱捷診所昱捷診所 臨床心理師 2011.04 ~ 2015.01
高雄市凱旋醫院 臨床心理師 2005.03 ~ 2007.10